Thursday, July 16, 2020

Change of plans...sort of... is busy. 

Between work and coronavirus and my 70s blog and race riots and my YouTube channel and coin shortages and playing with various worship bands and running a's a juggling act.

I want to make more frequent posts to this blog. Heck, I'd like to finish it before we all die.

But to do that, I just can't continue with the long, detailed, extensive posts that you have (hopefully) enjoyed heretofore. The research takes time, the writing takes time, tracking down comments from artists takes time, finding photos you may not have seen before takes time...and ain't nobody got time fo' dat.

So...the blog will continue. But the posts will be more succinct. Shorter. Fewer details. Fewer photos. More concise. I'm putting this blog on a diet. It's going to hurt me to make this change...but at least it will hopefully enable me to finish the blog while I'm still on this side of Heaven.

Thanks for hangin' in there with me.

Your 80s CCM pal,


  1. Happy to see the posts as they become available regardless of their length
